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Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Scanner and Analyzer for Crystal Reports, databases, programming languages, and more.

Source code analysis for databases, business intelligence reports, programming languages and more.

Find it EZ Code Search Professional currently provides instant and pin-point accurate "where used" search results for the following:

Crystal Reports ( versions 8 through 2011 )

Input Parameters

Database Connection Properties

Table Locations ( Tables, Views, Stored Procedures or Select statements )

Data Definition Formulas

Dynamic Table Join statements

SQL Expressions

SQL Commands

Report Objects ( eg: Database, Formulas, Running Total Fields )

Sub Reports

Record Selection and Grouping Formulas

Text field contents

Data saved with report

Pictures and Blog Images

Relational Databases

Amazon RDS ( for cloud-based MySQL or Oracle )

IBM DB2 8, 9 ( Linux, Unix, Windows all editions )

MS Access 97 - 2003 ( .mdb )

Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012 ( all editions )

MySQL 5 ( all supported host O/S platforms )

Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g and 11g ( all editions and host O/S platforms )

SQL Azure ( Microsoft's cloud-based RDBMS )

Table Schema Definitions ( Including Indexes, Constraints and Relations )


Stored Procedures


User Defined Functions

Table Data

Table Queries ( MS Access only )

Oracle Reports (xml)

Data model ( Database connection, SQL code including Select statements, etc. )

Program Units

Frames ( Layout/Margins )


SAP Dashboards ( Crystal Xcelsius )

Embedded Excel spreadsheet models ( formulas and cell data )

Bindings/Properties used in controls

Active Reports

external source code

RDX or XML source ( attributes & elements )

includes database connection strings, function calls, parameters, etc.

SQL Server Reporting Services

RDL source ( attributes & elements )

can scan flat files or database published reports

includes database connection strings, function calls, parameters, etc.

Ada ( .ada, .a, .ads )

C Style Language Source Code

C or C++ ( .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp )

C# ( .cs )

COBOL ( .cobol, .cob, .cbl, .inn )

Java Source Code ( .java )

Lua Source Code ( .lua )

Pascal Source Code

Delphi ( .dfm, .dpr, .inc, .pas )

PASCAL program files, including Turbo Pascal ( .p & .pascal )

Free Pascal ( .pp )

Ruby ( .ruby, .rb )

Visual Basic Source Code

Visual Basic Source File ( .vb )

VB Class ( .cls )

Basic Source File ( .bas )

VB Form ( .frm )

VB Script ( .vbs & .vbscript )

Website Development Source Code

Hyper Text Markup Language ( .htm & .html )

JavaScript ( .js )

VB Script - External Reference File ( .vbs & .vbscript )

Microsoft ASP & ( .asp & .aspx )

Java Server Pages ( .jsp )

Cascading Style Sheets ( .css )

ColdFusion Markup Language ( .cfm )

Perl ( .pl, .perl )

PHP ( .php )

Python ( .py, .pyw )

Documents, Configuration and Log Files

MS Office Word Documents 95, 97, XP, 2003 ( .doc )

MS Office Excel Documents 95, 97, XP, 2003 ( .xls )

Text ( .txt )

Comma Separated Values ( .csv )

Configuration Files ( .cfg, .conf )

Application Logs ( .log )

XML Documents ( .xml )

DBA Script Files

Structured Query Language ( .sql )

Data Definition Language ( .ddl )

Quest Toad Editor File ( .tef )

Quest Toad Connection Script ( .tcs )

Microsoft SQL Server Stored Procedure Script ( .prc )

Microsoft SQL Server Trigger Script ( .trd )

Microsoft SQL Server Table Script ( .tab )

Microsoft SQL Server User Defined Function Script ( .udf )

Microsoft SQL Server View Script ( .viw )

Files within archives



.bz / .bz2

.gz / .gzip









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