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Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Scanner and Analyzer for Crystal Reports, databases, programming languages, and more.




Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Stony Brook Medical Center
“ When one of our application vendors modified various Oracle database table fields, we needed to know which of our Crystal Reports would be affected. It took a programmer about 10 hours to search through 300 preselected reports, using various functions and utilities. Recently, we had another request to locate field references in our reports. Using "Find It EZ", in one simple step, we were able to search our full library of 1800 reports within minutes! The savings in time and expense, and the increased accuracy are obvious."
Bill L.
IT Project Manager
Stony Brook Medical Center

Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Multipack Solutions
“ I probably only use Find it EZ a few times per month, but each time could potentially save hours of hunting and pecking. I have redgate search installed on our server, but that has to be run from within SQL Server Management Studio. I like that I can run Find it EZ from my desktop. I also don’t know of any other tool that allows the indepth searching of all objects within and across a whole library of Crystal Report files. Bottom line -- I consider Find it EZ a life saver even if only for occasional use!"
Stephe Faust
Information Technology Manager
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Petroleum Traders Corp.
“ Amazing. You made a requested improvement to the software in under a day for someone who was not even a customer yet! Once I saw how well it worked for searching code in Crystal Reports files I could not get out my credit card fast enough, and it's even cheaper than the competition!"
Dan Espitch
IT Administrator
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Accenture
“ (Find it EZ is a) Great product! Thanks for your support."
IT Project Consultant
Accenture Utilities BPO Services
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Strangeloop Networks
“ The cross tool search is thorough. I found what I wanted and integration with my favorite dev tools to instantly edit any type of source code is a key benefit!"
Kent Alstad
Co-Founder and CTO
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped NSW Department of Health
“ One feature that no other Crystal documentation tools etc. seems to have is the ability to scan through SQL expression code itself the way that Find it EZ can. The new version is quite a time saver and we have already recommended the product to other people within our department!"
Michael Talbot
System Administrator

Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Multi-pack Solutions
“ I love the ( Find it EZ ) product. I have other tools I’ve used for SQL searches, but this one caught my attention because of Crystal Reports and multiple searches from one app. I really like the ability to limit my SQL Server search to only stored procedures, triggers, schemas, etc., or to search column data in specific tables. I also like that I get a preview of the results in context."
Stephe Faust
Information Technology Manager
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Antelink
“ The product is really well designed. The interface is very clear, intuitive and easy to use. I would definitely recommend Find it EZ, especially for searches within databases, where the beloved grep command is inefficient !"
Samuel Langlois
Quality Assurance Director
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Petroleum Traders Corp.
“ We use Crystal Reports and for our data source we normally chose to write a custom command to pull the data from the SQL Server. There is only one other program I know of right now that allows us to search these commands, but it forces you to give it a value for any parameters the report may have before it’s able to search that text. Find it EZ works great and for searching Crystal Reports I have found it better and faster than any other product! I just bought two copies."
Dan Espitch
IT Administrator
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Sir Jon Deane's College
“ Yes that’s done it! The program now reports back about all the reports – even the open ones. Many thanks for this impressive response to customer feedback (same day fix for a trial customer inquiry!). I shall be requesting that the College purchases the software immediately so that I can make regular use of it."
MIS Manager
Find it EZ Source Code Analyzer helped Stony Brook Medical Center
“ I found your support for the product to be unprecedented, providing an enhancement just one day after I requested it!"
William Levinson
IT Project Manager

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