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Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Find it EZ Code Search Professional

Scanner and Analyzer for Crystal Reports, databases, programming languages, and more.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does Find It EZ give me that Windows ( File ) Search can't already do?
In addition to searching through files on your location machine Find It EZ allows provides the following benefits:
bulletThe ability to quickly pinpoint where a match is found within a file, right down the line number! This prevents you from having to painstakingly scan through your search results to find out if a Windows file content search match is actually valid.
bulletThe ability to search through items outside the scope of windows search. This includes binary Crystal Report files and relational database content.
bulletThe ability to quickly and easily setup and save/reuse search options by using profiles. No more having to select directories and options each time you want to perform a search!
bulletThe ability to print and export results directly from within the Find It EZ search client.
bulletFind It EZ is designed specifically for software application developers and IT project support staff. Powerful search options are available including ignoring matches within source code comments, using regular expression syntax, advanced boolean expression searching ("Company" AND NOT " Name" ), and the ability to display highlighted matches within code using the built-in Find It EZ viewer, without having to open an external program unless you choose.
bulletIntegrates search capabilities into a single application that gives results you can trust.

Q: What does Find It EZ give me that Visual Studio "Find In Files" can't already do?
The built in "Find In Files" feature in Visual Studio is very useful and is a great way of searching through source code files within the Solution or Project you are working on.

In addition to all the functionality delivered in Visual Studio, Find It EZ gives you the following benefits:
bulletThe ability to use complicated Boolean expressions in your search terms.
bulletThe ability to search through external resources such as Crystal Reports and database content at the same time as searching through your source code.
bulletThe ability to search through multiple projects and solutions at the same time.
bulletThe ability to save/print results directly from the utility.
bulletVisual Studio Add-ins for launching a search on Google (the whole web), Google Code Search (the world's largest open source repository) and Find it EZ (to scan your proprietary codebase behind the firewall). Get all of the great Find it EZ features you want, integrated seamlessly into the environment.

Q: Can I search non-Windows based file systems or databases using Find It EZ?
Yes. The latest version of Find It EZ uses .NET native database connections and supports searching Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008 ( all editions ), as well as support for multi-platform DBMS' such as DB2® LUW and MySQL® that run on Linux and other non-Windows operating systems.

When it comes to file-based searches, Find It EZ supports searching through any network share. As such, although native support to search Linux file systems is not built in, you can define and access supported files ( .rpt, .c, .html, .txt, etc. ) using Samba network shares for example.


Q: Is there a non-Windows based version of Find It EZ?
No, Find It EZ is a Windows .NET application.

Q: What is the minimum user security level required for the database modules
The user account must be able to read both the system tables and the objects within the database you are searching. This varies by DBMS. Please contact your DBA or consult your product's documentation. For example, in SQL server your user needs db_datareader access. Without proper permissions your search will either fail or return fewer results than expected.

Q: When I try and scan a Access database I get the message "It does not appear the Microsoft Access Database Engine is installed on your machine" even though Find it EZ shows I have the connector installed
Under some conditions the Microsoft Access Database Engine can be registered on your system but not be made active. Please download a compatible copy from our website and try again. The setup package will properly register all required components.

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