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Enhanced charts for Crystal Reports and BusinessObjects Enterprise
from the makers of the charting library built into Crystal Reports.

Sample Charts - click to enlarge


Anti-aliased, Smooth curve line chart


Smooth curve line chart with multiple lines


Anti-aliased, Smooth stacked area chart


Curved area chart with variable transparencies


New spherical bevel for circular areas


New rectangular bevel for polygon areas


Donut pie chart with gradient bevel


Smooth bevel applied to an Area Chart


New clipped gauge border - border adjusts based on gauge start & stop angles


Gauge with gradient fill on border and gauge range, and multiple needles as markers


New 3D gauge border style


New Metallic gauge border style


Advanced multi-slice pie label engine for a single pie


Advanced multi-slice pie label engine for multiple pies


Box Plot chart with rectangular bevel fill


Bar chart with bevel and pattern fill


Curved Line chart with custom user line and label


Advanced axis spacing options


User defined area with label


User defined elliptical area with label



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