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How to deactivate your ReCrystallize Pro or ReCrystallize Light license.


Article ID:  0026

Date Created: December 22, 2017

Last Modified: December 22, 2017

Applies to: 
ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports, version 14.2 and later.
ReCrystallize Light Web Publisher for Crystal Reports


A ReCrystallize licenses may be activated and used on one PC or server at a time.  To move the software to a different PC or reinstall on the same computer, the license must first be deactivated.   Deactivating frees the license to be activated again on a new installation. 

Deactivation is only for infrequent use when the software must be reinstalled.  The number of deactivations for each license is limited.


Method 1:

Recommended if the original installation is still functional, accessible, and has an internet connection.

Open a command prompt to the ReCrystallize program folder.  Enter the command

ReCrystallizePro.exe /DEACTIVATE


Method 2:

Recommended if the original installation has been uninstalled or damaged.

Log in to the license portal.

Click Licenses & Activations.

Click on the License ID,

Click the Manage Installations button.

Click the red X button under Status, by Active.


Method 3:

If you are unable to deactivate a license using either of the methods above, please contact us for assistance. 


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