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When viewing a Crystal Report with saved data in a web browser, drill-down subreports are unavailable.


Article ID:  0023

Date Created: March 31, 2014

Last Modified: March 31, 2014

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports

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A Crystal Report (.rpt) file is saved with data.  Web pages are created with ReCrystallize Pro using the Static option, to display the saved data without updating from the database.  The main report displays correctly in the web browser, but drill-down subreports are not available.

When saving a report with data, Crystal Reports does not save the data for drill-down subreports.  Therefore, drill-down subreports are not available when using the Static option in ReCrystallize Pro.

Solution 1:

Use the Dynamic option instead of the Static option to create web pages for the report.  Since the Dynamic option connects to the database, data can be retrieved for drill-down subreports as needed.  Drill-down subreports are fully supported and function correctly when using the Dynamic option.


Solution 2:

If it is important to show only saved data in the report without connecting to the database , separate the subreport(s) into individual .rpt file(s) saved with the detailed data required and then create individual web pages for them using the Static option.  In the main report, insert hyperlinks to the new subreport web page(s).  With this approach, it is necessary to know which detailed data will be needed when designing the report. 

For example, in a report broken down by departments that would normally be designed with a drill-down subreport to show each department's detailed data, it would be possible to create a Static report for each deparment saved with only that department's detailed data and provide pre-set hyperlinks in the main report.


Solution 3:

Change the subreports to be in-line / always visible rather than drill-down.  Data for the subreports will then be saved within the .rpt files and will display in the web browser.


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