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 Error 1904 / Module...failed to register error occurs when installing ReCrystallize Pro.


Article ID:  0022

Date Created: March 17, 2014

Last Modified: March 17, 2014

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports, version 14 and later

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When installing the ReCrystallize Pro wizard on a PC, the setup program partially completes but then gives

Error 1904
Module ...dll failed to register

If ignored, the error repeats on a number of DLL files.

This error occurs on a small percentage of computers.  We believe this issue arises because certain Microsoft DLL files are not present on the affected computers.  We have not been able to reproduce the issue in test environments and are soliciting assistance from affected customers in order to determine the precise root cause of this issue. Please contact us if you have encountered this error and are able to assist with troubleshooting. 

One of the solutions below will allow the ReCrystallize Pro setup to complete successfully on affected computers.

Solution 1:

Download and run the following fileprior and then try the ReCrystallize Pro setup again:

   Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime redistributable package   (3 MB).


Solution 2:

Download and run the following file and then try the ReCrystallize Pro setup again:

   Download the Crystal Reports XI runtime  (50.9 MB)


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