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Server Error in '...' Application.
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ... failed due to the following error...
The specified module could not be found.


Article ID:  0018

Date Created: April 15, 2013

Last Modified: October 22, 2013

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports, version 14

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When attempting to view a Crystal Report on the web using ReCrystallize Pro's ASP.NET option, one of the following messages is displayed:


Server Error in ... Application.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ... failed due to the following error... The specified module could not be found.


Could not load file or assembly 'log4net, Version=.. one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


More Information:

This error can occur when you have installed the ReCrystallize Pro 64-bit Setup and the IIS Application Pool has Enable 32-bit Applications
set to True as shown in the example below.  This setting should be changed to False when using the 64-bit installation.

For Windows 2008, go to Start, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.  Under Application Pools select the Application Pool (DefaultAppPool is used by default, but you may assign another Application Pool by creating a new application in IIS Management).  Under Advanced Settings, find Enable 32-Bit Applications and set the value to False. 



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