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HTTP 500 or "ActiveX component can't create object" error viewing reports hosted on 64-bit Windows servers


Article ID:  0011

Date Created: December 17, 2009

Last Modified: February 18, 2010

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports  versions 10.x, 11.x



When attempting to view a Crystal Report through a web browser an HTTP 500 or "ActiveX component can't create object" error message is received.   The ASP pages and reports are hosted on a 64-bit Windows IIS server.


More Information:

Active Server Pages created by ReCrystallize Pro use 32-bit Crystal Reports runtime components.  By default, 32-bit applications are not enabled in IIS on 64-bit versions of Windows.   This results in an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error when attempting to view the reports in a browser.



Enable 32-bit applications on the server in IIS Manager. 

In ReCrystallize Pro 11.7 or later, run the Check IIS program from the ReCrystallize folder in the Start Menu on your web server to enable 32-bit applications in the Default Application Pool.  Or, enable 32-bit applications manually as detailed below:

Open IIS Manager and find the Application Pool associated with the web site, often this will be DefaultAppPool.   Click Advanced Settings under Edit Application Pool.  Find the entry labeled "Enable 32-Bit Applications" and set the value to True. (See image below.)




This behavior is by design.




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