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Error 42 Occurs When Launching ReCrystallize Pro on Windows Vista


 Article ID:  0010

Date Created: July 22, 2007

Last Modified: October 11, 2011

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports versions 11.1, 11.5



ReCrystallize Pro is installed on Windows Vista.  When launching the program, Error 42 is displayed and the program terminates. 


More Information:

The first time the ReCrystallize Pro is started, it writes information to the Windows registry.  A standard Windows Vista user account does not have sufficient access to write the required information to the Windows registry. 



Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where ReCrystallize Pro is installed.  Normally, this will be

C:\Program Files\ReCrystallize

Right-click on the ReCrystallizePro.exe file and select "Run as Administrator".   This will launch the ReCrystallize Pro software with sufficient access to make the required entries in the Windows registry.  This step should only be necessary the first time the ReCrystallize Pro software is launched.


This issue is resolved in ReCrystallize Pro version 11.7 or later.


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