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Runtime Error 9 – Subscript Out of Range when Setting Parameter Options in the ReCrystallize Pro Wizard

 Article ID:  0008

 Date Created: February 22, 2003

 Last Modified: February 22, 2003

 Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports  version 5.1.0



 “Runtime Error 9: Subscript Out of Range” can occur in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard at the point when report parameter information is being entered (or is about to be entered).


More Information: 

This error can occur when a parameter in the Crystal Report has a smaller number of default values set than a parameter preceding it. 



Modify the Crystal Report file so each parameter which has default values set includes at least as many default values as the parameters that precede it.



This problem has been confirmed in ReCrystallize Pro version 5.1.0 and will be corrected in ReCrystallize Pro version 5.1.1 and higher.


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