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Crystal Reports - ReCrystallize Pro Support FAQ

‘User Session Has Expired’ OR ‘The oPageEngine Object was not created…’

 Article ID:  0007

 Date Created: January 27, 2003

Last Modified: January 27, 2003

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports  versions 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 10.x



When attempting to view a Crystal Report through a web browser, one of the following errors is received:

“User Session Has Expired”


“The oPageEngine object was not created or is not in scope. Please check that the Viewer is referencing rptserver.asp in the correct virtual directory. It is also possible that the ReadRecords method failed. Ensure that you are logging on to the datasource correctly and have provided values for Parameter Fields.”


More Information:

The Active Server Pages require the use of temporary “session cookies" in order to maintain the user state while viewing the Crystal Report.  These errors may result if the browser or other software is set to block cookies.



Enable cookies in the browser or disable cookie-blocking software.



This behavior is by design.



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