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Runtime Error 13 – Type Mismatch Occurs in the ReCrystallize Pro Wizard when the Dynamic Option is Selected 

Article ID:  0005

Date Created: January 24, 2003

Last Modified: January 24, 2003

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports version 5.0



When using the ReCrystallize Pro wizard, the Dynamic report option is selected.  After selecting a Crystal Report file and clicking Next, Error 13 – Type Mismatch occurs.


More Information:

Crystal Reports version 8 or 8.5 may have been installed on the PC after ReCrystallize Pro was installed.  A DLL version / Registry conflict is causing the error.



Go to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, select the ReCrystallize Pro installation and choose the Repair option.  This should cause the correct DLL to be used, eliminating the error.



This issue is resolved in ReCrystallize Pro version 5.1.


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