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ReCrystallize Warning:  Unable to connect to data source...
and /or
‘Server Has Not Yet Been Opened’

Article ID:  0004

Date Created: January 28, 2003

Last Modified: September 22, 2011

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports  



When attempting to view a Crystal Report through a web browser using Active Server Pages, the following or similar errors are received:

“CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. Error Number: -2147192184 Error Description: Server has not yet been opened.”

The error may be preceded by one or more warnings 

“ReCrystallize Warning:  Unable to connect to data source using the following information.”


More Information:

This message indicates that the connection to the Crystal Report’s data source has failed.  This can occur even when the web page’s ASP code is correct and when it is possible to refresh report data in the Crystal Reports Designer.  This condition may be caused many different server configuration issues, which are beyond the direct control of the ReCrystallize Pro software.



This problem has many possible causes, some of which are specific to the type of database.    The simplest and most common steps to resolve the problem are detailed below.  If these steps do not resolve the issue, refer to the additional references provided.

  1. Verify that the database username and password are correct in the .asp file.
  2. Verify that the report data can be successfully refreshed in the Crystal Reports Designer on the web server PC using the same database username and password.
  3. If the report uses ODBC, verify use of a System DSN; a User DSN will work for a user logged in interactively, but will not work using ASP.
  4. If the database used by the report is SQL Server, configure the ODBC DSN to use TCP/IP (not Named Pipes) and SQL Authentication (not NT Authentication).
  5. If the database used by the Crystal Report is a PC database such as Access or FoxPro and references a mapped network drive, change the location in the Crystal Report and/or ODBC to use the UNC path to the database (\\yourserver\yourdirectory\yourdatabase) rather than a mapped drive.  Ensure that the anonymous web user (IUSR_*) has sufficient permissions on the remote server to access the database file.


Additional Resources:

Unable to connect to data source warning / Common database connection and logon issues with troubleshooting steps.

 Crystal Decisions Troubleshooting Guide  -  cr_server_not_yet_been_opened.pdf

Crystal Decisions Knowledge Base Article c2007701

Further articles in the Crystal Decisions Knowledge Base may be found by searching for "Server Has Not Yet Been Opened".



This issue is dependent on web server and database configuration and cannot be directly controlled by ReCrystallize Pro.   Once the problem is resolved, it does not typically recur.  Our technical support staff is available to assist with troubleshooting. 


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