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Server.CreateObject Failed or Invalid ProgID


Article ID:  0003

Date Created: January 24, 2003

Last Modified: July 24, 2014

Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports , all versions



When attempting to view a Crystal Report through a web browser using "classic" ASP, an error message that includes “Server.CreateObject Failed”, “Invalid ProgID”, and/or "ActiveX component can't create object" is displayed. 


More Information:

Active Server Pages created by ReCrystallize Pro use Crystal Reports runtime components, which must be present and properly registered on the web server PC.   For ReCrystallize Pro versions 11.7 and newer, we recommend installing a copy of ReCrystallize Pro on the web server to provide the necessary components. For ReCrystallize Pro versions 11.6 and lower, we recommend installing a copy of Crystal Reports on the web server as detailed below.    In any case, Crystal Reports licensing requires that you own a license for the Crystal Reports Developer Edition version used on the web server when using classic ASP. 

Please click here to purchase a Crystal Reports version XI R2 Developer Edition license for use with classic ASP.

When the required Crystal Reports components are not available on the web server, a message similar to  

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed
http://yourserver/yourreport-dynamic.asp, line 22
Invalid ProgID.


“CRAXDRT Error Occured on Server. Error Number: -2147221005 Error Description: 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~Invalid class string”

may be displayed.



Upgrading to ReCrystallize Pro version 14 or later and using ASP.NET is recommended.
Follow the steps below to resolve this issue using classic ASP with your current ReCrystallize Pro version.

For ReCrystallize Pro versions 11.7 and newer, please be sure that the ReCrystallize Pro software is installed on the web server.  If there is an option visible to select a Crystal Reports version in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard, select Crystal Reports XI R2.

If your version of ReCrystallize Pro offers a Crystal Reports version selection within the wizard, please verify that the Crystal Reports version selected in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard matches the version of Crystal Reports that is installed on the server.  If you installed ReCrystallize Pro version 11.7 or later on the web server instead of Crystal Reports Developer Edition, select Crystal Reports version XI R2 in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.

If the error still occurs, install or reinstall ReCrystallize Pro 11.7 (or later) or one of the following versions of Crystal Reports on the web server PC, making sure that the World Wide Web Publishing service is running and selecting all available web components during the Crystal Reports installation:

bulletCrystal Reports 7 Professional Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 7 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 8.0 Professional Edition AND Crystal Enterprise Standard
bulletCrystal Reports 8.0 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 8.5 Professional Edition AND Crystal Enterprise Standard
bulletCrystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 9 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 9 Advanced Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 9 Report Application Server
bulletCrystal Reports 10 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 10 Advanced Edition
bulletCrystal Reports 10 Crystal Enterprise Embedded
bulletCrystal Reports XI Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports XI R2 Developer Edition
bulletCrystal Reports XI Server Edition

Note that in Crystal Reports 8.0 and higher, the Professional Edition does not include all required components to run reports with ASP.  Installing Crystal Enterprise with the Professional Edition will provide the required components.  (The Crystal Enterprise services are not needed for ASP and may be turned off.) 

Note:  It is possible to manually install only required runtime DLL files on the web server using the guidelines in the Developer Help file.  However, installing the full Crystal Reports product is strongly recommended as it is quicker, easier, and less prone to error than a manual component installation.   We can not support reports running under a manual installation.

If the error persists after installing or reinstalling Crystal Reports on the web server, open the .asp file in an editor and locate the line that includes “CreateObject”.  Make sure that the line is correct for your version of Crystal Reports as shown in the table below.  This is controlled by the selection of the Crystal Reports version within the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.









9 (RDC)


9 (RAS)CrystalReports.ObjectFactory.2
10 (RDC)CrystalRuntime.Application.10
10  (CEE)CrystalReports10.ObjectFactory.1
XI (RDC)CrystalRuntime.Application.11
XI (RAS)CrystalReports11.ObjectFactory.1
XI R2 (RDC)CrystalRuntime.Application.115



This behavior is by design.


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