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Starting Error


 Article ID:  0002

 Date Created: January 24, 2003

 Last Modified: October 11, 2011

 Applies to:  ReCrystallize Pro Web Wizard for Crystal Reports versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.1



When attempting to launch ReCrystallize Pro, either nothing happens or a small window says “Starting Error”.



Close the window that displays “Starting Error” and try again to launch ReCrystallize Pro.  Often the program will launch on a second attempt.  If the problem is persistent or frequent, contact ReCrystallize Software for a new executable with a different Build which may eliminate the problem.



This is a known issue with the “wrapper” software used to unlock ReCrystallize Pro versions 4.x and 5.x.  It affected only a small percentage of customers and did not otherwise hinder the operation of the software.  This error does not occur in ReCrystallize Pro versions 11 and later.


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