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[Report Miner]

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The Report Miner XRef (Table Cross-reference) provides a useful cross-reference between Crystal Reports  and the database tables (or files) that they reference.  All subreports are also included in the cross-reference.  

The data included in the easy-to-use grid includes

bulletCrystal Report file name
bulletCrystal Report title
bulletSubreport names (if any)
bulletTable reference with full qualifications
bulletRecord selection formula.

Table Cross-Reference Sample

txref.GIF (17134 bytes)

The cross-reference listing can be sorted by any of the fields in either ascending or descending order.  For example, you can sort by table to quickly determine all reports that use a particular database table.

How can I use XRef?

XRef provides a quick, easy way to 

bulletidentify all tables that a Crystal Report references
bulletidentify which Crystal Reports reference specific tables
bulletidentify record selection criteria for a Crystal Report 
(for example, reports which include only active customers).

Who can use XRef?

XRef is useful for developers, data administrators, or anyone who needs to monitor and track database table usage by Crystal Reports.


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