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[Crystal Reports 10]

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   Crystal Reports 10

Crystal Reports 10

Powerful report creation and distribution.

Version 10 is an older version of Crystal Reports.
For the current version of Crystal Reports, please see the

Products page.

Key Reasons to Upgrade to Version 10

Crystal Reports 10 extends the significant feature set introduced in version 9 to deliver the most stable and proven release ever. It includes several new features for greater productivity and ease of use across all elements of the reporting process. For current customers, this release includes hundreds of improvements, enhancements, and hotfixes based on your feedback. Tighter integration with Crystal Enterprise is also a key focus area for version 10.

Report Design

Crystal Reports 10 provides several new designer enhancements for increased flexibility and control over how data is presented.

Format painter. Save time formatting reports. The format painter allows you to copy full formatting options between objects through a single click. You no longer have to apply colors, formatting, and font styles as single operations.
Funnel charts. Meet the presentation requirements of your customer relationship management (CRM) applications. The new funnel chart type offers a compelling way to display data that adds up to a 100% total—for example, you can present sales data in a funnel chart for easier sales pipeline analysis.
Repository explorer. Simplify report object sharing among multiple report designers. The enhanced repository explorer toolbar now provides searching and filtering based on object type and/or text value. You can also add tool tips to repository objects for easier identification.
Asymmetric reporting. Provide a customized view of OLAP grids. With asymmetric reporting, you can hide specific dimensions of data so that end users only see relevant and valuable data.
Horizontal page numbers. Add horizontal page numbers to your reports. A special field is now available for easily adding page numbers to cross tabs.
Managed repository. Crystal Reports 10—with Crystal Enterprise—can help report designers achieve greater efficiencies in the report design and maintenance process. The repository—a central location for storing, sharing, and updating common report objects—is now a managed feature in Crystal Enterprise*. Organizations can now create a managed system for report design and maintenance. Repository objects can be secured and shared through Crystal Enterprise and are made available through the Crystal Reports designer. A migration utility is also included for easy transition from the version 9 Repository to the new managed repository.

*An introductory offer of Crystal Enterprise is included in select editions of Crystal Reports.


Report Viewing and Interaction

Crystal Reports 10 provides information consumers with more options to view, print, and export reports.

Excel export. Maintain control over Excel exporting. Crystal Reports 10 introduces greater flexibility in exporting fully formatted reports to Microsoft Excel. For example, users can now select to export all or some of page headers/footers and choose whether to display gridlines or not.
Enhanced printing from DHTML viewer. Allow end users to print reports from the DHTML viewer with just one click. Crystal Reports 10 includes an updated DHTML report viewer control that simplifies the printing process and removes the need to export to PDF.
Server-side printing for Windows and .NET applications. Print reports from any Windows machine. Using the Crystal Enterprise Embedded Edition— included in Crystal Reports 10 Advanced Developer Edition—you can enable server side printing.

Application Integration and Deployment

Crystal Reports 10 simplifies the process and reduces the amount of code required to ingrate dynamic information into .NET, Java, and COM web applications. With version 10, Business Objects also strengthens its commitment to cross-platform development through the addition of several new features and an easier migration path to Crystal Enterprise.

100% Java reporting component. Use Crystal Reports with your J2EE applications. Crystal Reports 10 introduces a 100% Java version of the powerful Crystal Reports reporting engine. This new reporting component helps you take full advantage of Java, including portability across operating systems and hardware platforms. It delivers a fast, codeless way for developers to connect to data and to design dynamic reports for easy integration into Java Server Pages. The Java Reporting Component is also integrated with popular Integrated Development Environments including Borland JBuilder X and BEA WebLogic Workshop.
Simplified .NET merge modules. Easily deploy your .NET applications. Crystal Reports 10 reduces the number of merge modules required for easier deployment of .NET applications. Four core merge modules can be used to address eight specific deployment scenarios for windows applications, asp .NET applications, and web service applications.
Simplified report application server APIs. Write less code when implementing common functionality. In Crystal Reports 10 Advanced Developer Edition, the amount of code required to complete the most common developer tasks—using the Report Application Server—has been significantly reduced for an easier integration process. Simplified tasks include setting parameters, logon, and printing.
Custom Java tag library. Reduce the amount of coding required to integrate reports into JSP pages. Crystal Reports 10 introduces a custom JSP tag library that can dramatically reduce the amount of code required to integrate reporting into Java applications. Using custom JSP tags, developers can now easily add a customized viewer to their web applications.
.NET to Crystal Enterprise upgrade. Easily upgrade your .NET application to Crystal Enterprise. Crystal Reports 10 introduces a seamless upgrade solution to enable applications built using the .NET reporting components bundled in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Borland C#Builder, or in Crystal Reports 9/10 to access Crystal Enterprise and the Report Application Server. With minimal coding, .NET developers can now take advantage of the benefits of a standalone report processing server. This also enables an easy future upgrade to other Crystal Enterprise editions.
.NET WebForm viewer enhancements. Increase the impact of your .NET report viewers. The usability, consistency, and customizability of the .NET WebForm Viewers have been enhanced for greater development flexibility. For example, you can now change the font style and colors of the webform group tree levels on a viewer-by-viewer basis in the Visual Studio .NET designer.
Dataset performance improvements for .NET. Improve processing performance and reduce memory usage with the Crystal Reports enhanced in-memory dataset processing.
New samples and documentation. Get up to speed quickly. Crystal Reports 10 introduces more than 50 new and updated sample applications plus completely revised documentation for Crystal Reports and Crystal Enterprise Embedded (formerly RAS). New samples include report previewing, exporting to PDF, setting parameters, and setting database logons.

*Note – Features listed above vary by edition


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