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[Report Analyzer]

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Report Analyzer Release Notes

Welcome to Report Analyzer, the premier documentation and analysis companion product for Crystal Reports ®.

  • Report Analyzer 5.0 has been re-developed from the ground up on the .NET framework to improve performance.
  • It uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database backend for storing documentation.
  • Report Analyzer 5.0 supports documenting Crystal Reports in versions 8.0, 8.5, 9, 10 and XI.
  • Report Analyzer supports Seagate Info 7, Crystal Enterprise 10, and Business Objects XI servers for licensed users.
  • Documented reports are grouped into "Workbenches", allowing the creation of multiple folders of any depth to store your report documentation.
  • Drag and drop analysis of reports from Windows Explorer into a Workbench.
  • Drag and drop organization of folders and reports within a Workbench.
  • Formula window underlines in red formulas and variables with design suggestions.
  • Main window supports window docking and customization.
  • Export entire Workbenches or folders as Html documentation. The documentation includes report diagrams (as images) with links for all report design objects.
  • More comprehensive cross reference analysis.
  • Analyses Cross-tabs and running totals.
  • Analyses SQL settings for reports created using commands and views.
  • Improved Complexity Metrics analysis.
  • Complexity Metrics displayed in a docked window.
  • Improved property window display for selected design objects.
  • Simplified search and query function.
  • Search results window displayed in a separate docked window.

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