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ReCrystallize Pro Release Notes

Version 14.1.0

In the ReCrystallize Pro wizard, the Crystal Reports version selection has been hidden by default in order to simplify the web page creation process and eliminate confusion.  The Crystal Reports version selection can be easily re-enabled for customers who need to override the default Crystal Reports.  Please contact support if you would like the version selection re-enabled in order to select a different Crystal Reports version in use on the web server.

An issue was corrected in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.  When a dynamic or optional parameter was not used on the report page layout but was used in the Record Selection Formula, the ReCrystallize Pro wizard could not detect that the parameter required a value.  The ReCrystallize Pro wizard will now check for this condition and set a value for the parameter.

The ReCrystallize Pro installer has been updated to incorporate Crystal Reports .NET Service Pack 7.

An issue was corrected in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.  When using ASP.NET and prompting for parameters with the .NET viewer, code was incorrectly inserted into the web page to set linked subreport parameter values.  The ReCrystallize Pro wizard will now test for this condition and will not insert the errant code.

An issue was corrected in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.  When a subreport used more than one database table, the Database/Table value on the database logon screen could be incorrectly defaulted to a blank value.

An issue was corrected in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard.  A subreport parameter linked to the main report was incorrectly identified as requiring user input.


Version 14.1.1

Report viewing performance was improved when using ASP.NET by reducing the frequency of database queries.  Users must now click the Refresh button in the report viewer to see changes to data that occur during a report viewing session.  Each report will continue to show updated data automatically the first time it is opened by the user during a report viewing session. 
This change does not impact the "Refresh every _ minutes" feature; if selected this feature will continue to automatically refresh the report data periodically without manual intervention.


Version 14.2.0

Version 14.2 introduces new automated, self-service activation of ReCrystallize Pro licenses to streamline the purchasing and license activation process.

Version 14.2 switches the ReCrystallize Pro licensing model from per-developer to per-machine.  The per-machine licensing model is simpler to maintain, easier to understand, and more closely aligned with customer expectations and use of the software.

The ReCrystallize Pro installer has been updated with Crystal Reports .NET Service Pack 15.

When the ReCrystallize Pro wizard is unable to write a web page file to disk, an updated warning message indicates insufficient file system permissions as the most likely cause.

An issue was corrected for ASP.NET web pages.  When a report filename began with a number (e.g 30day.rpt), an error resulted when the webpage was run.

An issue was corrected for ASP.NET web pages.  When a report file was named, "default.rpt", an error resulted when the webpage was opened.

A user-requested enhancement was implemented.  Spaces, dashes, underscore characters, and so on are no longer removed from web page filenames when using ASP.NET.  The ASP.NET web page filename will more closely match the report filename.

An enhancement was implemented to set default filenames for direct exports (such as PDF and Excel files) to the web page title entered in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard or to the report filename.

Crystal Reports version 2013 was added to the dropdown selection for Crystal Reports version in the ReCrystallize Pro wizard. 
(This is better handled automatically in most cases, so the list is hidden by default to avoid confusion.)

An issue was corrected for ASP.NET web pages.  Changes to the Microsoft .NET compiler invalidated a variable declaration within an If/Then/Else construct, leading to a compilation error when the web page was opened.  The declaration has been moved in the web page code to remedy this issue.

An issue was corrected for ASP.NET web pages.  When retrieving parameter value options from the database in a parameters.aspx page, changes to Microsoft .NET Framework versions later than version 2 disallow the use of "query" as a variable name.  This led to a compilation error when the parameters.aspx page was opened.  The variable has been renamed to "qry" to remedy this issue.




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